Trademark Symbols

Trademark symbol is the intellectual property of an organization or a business enterprise with a purpose to establish a brand. Trademark registration is extremely inevitable for a business organization just after the incorporation of a company. Trademark symbol clears whether a certain business is registered or not with the help of its marks. A business is registered under the trademark registration act in order to protect the reputation of business organization. There are three types of trademark symbols are available for registration purposes. Here, we are giving the list of trademark symbols:

TM: It refers to an unregistered trademark to promote goods only.
SM: It's an unregistered trademark which is used to promote services.
R: The circled R mark denotes the registered trademark in order to promote goods and services as per the trademark registration rules and regulations. Trademark symbol carries huge importance in taking a normal business into a global platform by popularizing among global audience.

Trademark Symbol Meaning

Trademark symbol meaning refers to marks which show about the status whether registered or not by the trademark registration act. When it comes to trademark symbol registration, one should take the help of a professionally qualified and well trained trademark attorney or a trademark lawyer for better management of the whole process. Every business needs a well researched and well developed trademark logo or name in order to gain huge numbers of consumers of their goods and services and to exist in the marketplace. Indian Trademark Registration Act 1999 is the sole authority in India for giving the trademark registration certificate for upcoming business entrepreneurs in India. Therefore, one should register his or her trademark name or symbol under the trademark registration act in order to find a place in consumer's heart. There are numbers of trademark registration firms are providing trademark symbols registration at affordable prices.

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