Trademark Renewal

Trademark registration is done for a certain period of time and after that it should be renewed for another term as per the trademark registration act. A Trademark is registered for ten years and after that it should be again registered for another ten years or it's called trademark renewal. Trademark is the intellectual property of a business organization or an enterprise and it's the very responsibility of a business owner to keep it safe by registering as per the trademark registration act. Trademark renewal services are gaining huge popularity among business entrepreneurs and trademark owners when it comes to keep their business identity unique and different. Trademark renewal procedure is same like trademark registration; one need to apply for trademark renewal by paying the renewal fees to the trademark registry. A trademark owner should apply before six months of its expiry as the trademark registration act has defined all rules and regulations regarding this.

Online Trademark Renewal Services

Online trademark renewal services are catching fact among all trademark owners and aspiring business owners as this process is absolutely easy and simple as compared than traditional medium. One can either log into the official website of the trademark registration firm or can take the help of a professional qualified trademark attorney for trademark renewal services. In India, few privately held trademark registration firms and legal firms are providing trademark renewal services with the help of some well qualified and heavily experienced trademark attorney or lawyers at affordable prices. Trademark renewal should always be done before six months of its expiry date or otherwise it liable for fresh trademark registration as per the trademark registration rules and regulations of India. Trademark renewal service is an inevitable part of the entire trademark registration process.

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